Pool is the most common played Cue Sport among the people around. The game of Pool is played at a table called pool table.It is a 2 Player game.The sidelines of a pool table are called rails. A Pool table contains 6 holes called pockets, 4 of which are exactly the corners & 2 are at the center of the longer rails of the table. Basically we have three types of dimensional plans for Pool table.
Pool Table Size Minimum Room Size Playing Surface
3.5' x 7' 16' 8" x 13' 6" 39.5" x 79"
4' x 8' 17' 4" x 13' 11" 44" x 88"
4.5' x 9' 18' 4" x 14' 6" 50" x 100"
A game of Pool has 15 colored balls and 1 white ball. the colored balls are divided into 2 groups called Solids & Stripes. The colored balls are numbered from 1 to15, balls from 1-8 are solids & from 9-15 are stripes. There is some variety of games played in Pool.
A Lag decides the winner to start game. Both the palyers hit the ball towards the opposite rail, the ball touches the oppostite rail and on the way back whichever ball stays closest to first rail is wins the lag. That shall start he game.
To sart a game the balls are placed in a predefined order called the rack which is placed with the help of a frame. The player hits the rack with the cue ball , during the break atleast 4 balls shall tuoch the rails or its a foul.
8 Ball:In a 8 Ball game one of the players will hit the Solids & the other one will be after Stripes. The 8 Ball has to be hit last after finishing their balls. who ever finishes first will win. Hitting the opponent's Balls directly is a foul. On every legal shot at least a ball must hit the rail.
9 Ball:
In a 9 Ball game the balls are to be hit in ascending order, even in the break-shot. The lowest numbered ball is hit first. Failure in hitting the lowest numbered ball is declared foul. In every shot at least a ball must hit the rail. Any ball can be put to pot but the first touch should be the Lowest Numbered ball.Whoever pots the 9 number ball wins the game.
10 Ball:
This game is further extension of the 9Ball Game. In this game 10 ball is takes the chase, instead of 9 ball players are the chase is for 10 ball. In a 10 ball game the player will have to call a pocket and a ball for every shot. If he fails to pot the ball called and pots another ball it will be declared a foul, even he touches the right ball to be played and pots the ball that he didnot called for. The pocket and the ball has to be the same that the player calls for.